Egg Nutrition

Written By Unknown on Sunday, April 10, 2011 | 7:59 AM

Egg is a food that is very familiar with our daily lives. Eggs as a source of protein has many advantages, among others, the most complete amino acid content compared to other foodstuffs such as fish, meat, chicken, tofu, tempeh, etc.. Eggs have a delicious flavor, so favored by many people. Eggs are also functioning in a variety of food processing. In addition, egg protein include food sources are relatively inexpensive and easy to find. Almost all people need eggs.

Nutritional value of eggs
Actually, any content in an egg? Here is the nutritional value of table eggs in 100 grams of food. (100 salt, about 2 eggs free-range chicken).

However, be careful in consuming eggs. Because in addition to a fairly high fat bladder, eggs also contain sizable amounts of cholesterol than other foods. Cholesterol content in 100 grams of eggs is about 424 mg. Wow, pretty much yes. While we are encouraged to consume less than 300 mg of cholesterol per day. So, should consume enough eggs about 2 eggs per week. Hose-animal dishes interspersed with other food ingredients to enhance the variety of food. In accordance with a message of general guidelines for balanced nutrition (PUGS) that eat a varied diet, because no one food that has a complete nutritional content.

Tips on choosing eggs

1. Choose eggs with the skin intact, not cracked or broken, clean and no stains.

2. When viewed from the contents, the egg is fresh air cavity has a small yag, located in the middle yellow, egg-white solid. Eggs which had long been stored, will have a large air cavity so that it can float if the egg is inserted into the water.

3. Eggs are a good quality marked by the absence of sound (beat) the time the egg is shaken.

(No. 4 and 5 to determine the quality of eggs after the split and requires a rather complicated calculation.) I think if mothers spend, not gonna have time to calculate it first ... .. hehehehe

4. The quality of eggs can also be measured by Haugh unit, namely the measurement of height and thick egg white
egg weight. A fresh egg has a Haugh Unit: 100, good eggs: 72 eggs damaged and less than 50.

5. Index Index egg yolk and egg white can also determine the quality of eggs. Yolk index (IKT) is a high ratio of egg yolk with a diameter as measured after being separated from their eggs. IKT normal value is 0.33 to 0.50. The average egg have IKT 0.42. The longer eggs are stored, the smaller the value IKT due to migration of water.

While the egg white index (IPT) is a high ratio of eggs condensed with an average diameter of the long and short. IPT value of fresh eggs is 0.050 to 0.174. The average egg have IPT 0.090 to 0.120. The longer eggs are stored, the smaller the IPT ovomucin accelerated degradation due to the increase of pH.


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