Balanced Nutrition for Every Age

Written By Unknown on Saturday, April 16, 2011 | 6:18 PM

At about 1950 on Indonesia's famous concept of nutritional guidelines called with 4 healthy 5 perfect. The concept was created by prof. Poerwo Soedarmo, also referred to as the father of Indonesian nutrition. But along with the development of science today, then realized that the nutritional needs can not be in the same averaged for every person at every age. In a sense nutrients needed by the children of course are different from adults, as well as nutritional needs for pregnant / lactating and the elderly.
Since 2000, MOH's actually started to introduce new guidelines on nutrition, which is called the "Guidelines for balanced nutrition" (PGS). But because of the lack of socialization, then there are still many people who still do not know about it. Therefore, on January 27, 2011 yesterday, held at Hotel Akmani, Jakarta, organized the event press conference on nutrition in balance and distribution of a book entitled "Healthy and Fit Thanks Balanced Nutrition."
The event is also conducted media education about balanced nutrition for every age group. Present as resource persons were: Prof. Soekirman, SKM, MPS-ID. PhD; Dr. Jus'at & Prof. Idrus. Ir. H. Hardinsyah, MS.PhD.
Ki-ka : moderator; Prof. Soekirman, SKM, MPS-ID. PhD; Prof. Ir. H. Hardinsyah, MS.PhD & Dr. Idrus Jus’at
Prof. Soekirman in his foreword, said his lifestyle changes in society, where people become less frequent physical activity and eating patterns have changed (consume more sweet foods and high fat). So maybe even physically look normal, but if further testing will be visible lack one or more nutrients. In addition, more nutritional problems such as obesity and obesity at this time also began to appear. That is to say when this happens multiple problems in the community is that many cases of malnutrition occur and cases of overweight (overweight / obesity).
Guidelines for balanced nutrition (PGS) itself is a composition of daily food containing nutrients in the type & amount in accordance with the necessities of life, taking into account the 4 principles: (1) variety of food, (2) the importance of clean lifestyle, (3 ) the importance of active lifestyles and sports and (4) monitor ideal weight. In contrast to the concept of Healthy 4 5 Excellent that generalize the nutritional needs of all people, balanced nutrition guidelines principle that every age group, gender, health & physical activity requires a different PGS, in accordance with the conditions of each group.
In addition, PGS also emphasize different proportions for each group, adjusted or balanced by the needs of the body. Another difference is the PGS did not treat milk as a perfect food, but placed a group with other animal protein sources. To facilitate understanding of the PGS, every country in the world has a visualization tailored to each culture. In Indonesia, the principle of PGS visualized in the form of cone with a tray called "Tumpeng Balanced Nutrition" (TGS).
Bentuk Visual Pedoman Gizi Seimbang Indonesia
Tumpeng balanced nutrition (TGS) consists of several pieces of cone, namely: 1 large pieces, 2 pieces of medium, 2 small pieces and at the top there is the smallest piece. The extent of cuts TGS show the portion of consumption per person per day. TGS pieces covered by water, meaning water is the biggest part & nutrients essential for life, a day of white water requirements must be met minimum is 2 liters (8 cups).
On top is a cone shaped piece of large pieces which is a staple food group (carbohydrates). Carbohydrates consumed recommended 3-8 servings / day. Above this section there are groups of vegetables (recommended 3-5 servings / day) and fruit (recommended 2-3 servings / day) as a source of fiber, vitamins & minerals. Then again there are classes on top food sources of protein, which are divided into groups of vegetable and animal protein (consumed recommended 2-3 servings / day). At the top of the cone there are classes of oil, sugar and salt are recommended for consumption as needed.
One of the challenges that must also be considered is about the fulfillment of balanced nutrition in a certain period, which is also known as the window opportunity. That is a brief opportunity to do something beneficial and should be utilized. In the field of nutrition, occasion, ranging from before pregnancy until the child was about 2 years. To prevent the problem of the impact of malnutrition, it should be efforts to improve nutrition in population groups that are included in the window opportunity, namely adolescent girls, pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants to children aged 2 years.

Pregnant women often face multiple health problems, such as excessive nausea and vomiting, anemia and iron deficiency, constipation, hypertension, preeclampsia and eclampsia and gestational diabetes. While the adequacy of pregnant women have a lot of attention due to significantly affect the development of the child. The period of brain development of children's own gold begins in the womb until the child was 2 years old.


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